Nonton To End All Wars 2001 Subtitle Indonesia
Nonton To End All Wars 2001 Subtitle Indonesia Action Drama War 2 September 2001 USA
Nonton To End All Wars 2001 Subtitle Indonesia Action Drama War 2 September 2001 USA – Sinopsis – To End All Wars A true story about four Allied POWs who endure harsh treatment from their Japanese captors during World War II while being forced to build a railroad through the Burmese jungle. Ultimately they find true freedom by forgiving their enemies. Based on the true story of Ernest Gordon. Life is brutally harsh in the Japanese camps, as in one in Burma where POW’s, mainly from a Scottish regiment, must build part of the enemy’s supply railroad trough the ever-inhospitable jungle, and not just in terms of poor conditions, but also brutal discipline under a bushido logic which assumes Westerners to be an inferior race, in need of doggish discipline, while even for Japanese troops and Korean auxiliaries severe corporal punishment always looms.
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Director: David L. Cunningham
Writers: Ernest Gordon (book), Brian Godawa (screenplay)
Stars: Robert Carlyle, Kiefer Sutherland, Ciarán McMenamin
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