Nonton The Eyes of My Mother 2016 Subtitle Indonesia
Nonton The Eyes of My Mother 2016 Subtitle Indonesia Drama Horror 2 December 2016 USA
Nonton The Eyes of My Mother 2016 Subtitle Indonesia Drama Horror 2 December 2016 USA – Sinopsis – The Eyes of My Mother Francisca and her mother live on a farm where they raised cows and other animals. A trained surgeon, Francisca’s mother teaches her how to remove eyeballs from farm animals, and is taught the legend of Francis of Assisi. Suddenly, Charlie, a door to door salesman, appears and against her better judgment, Francisca’s mother lets him use the bathroom. After a struggle, Charlie kills Francisca’s mother, with Charlie injured. Francisca and her father bury Francisca’s mother in the backyard while holding Charlie captive in the barn. Charlie explains the incomparable thrill of killing others. Francisca then removes Charlie’s eyes and vocal cords. Francisca explains to Charlie that he was not killed because she has no other friends, and tortures Charlie with her mother’s surgical implements. Francisca’s father later dies and is preserved by Francisca in the bathtub. Charlie is also killed by Francisca as he tries to escape.
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Director: Nicolas Pesce
Writers: Nicolas Pesce
Stars: Kika Magalhaes, Will Brill, Olivia Bond
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