Nonton House of Wolves Subtitle Indonesia
Nonton House of Wolves Subtitle Indonesia Comedy 1 January 2016 Hong Kong
Nonton House of Wolves Subtitle Indonesia Comedy 1 January 2016 Hong Kong – Sinopsis – Set in old rural district, Charlie pretends to be an ALS patient so he can gain sympathy from others. He runs a charity organisation where he secretly carries out all sorts of nasty business. The village chief Fung Yan-bing is a dishonest man who likes to test others with money and take advantage of them. Along comes a beautiful woman named Yu Zan, a materialistic lady who loves money more than anything. However, the woman is carrying the baby of her ex-boyfriend who is a well-known tycoon’s heir. The arrival of the baby will soon change the mentalities and nature of the three problematic human beings.
Kisah yang menarik. Ya sudah ditonton saja langsung di
Director: Vincent Kok
Writers: N/Ak
Stars: Ronald Cheng, Tat-Ming Cheung, Chrissie Chow
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